Tuesday, 29. January 2008
PatternTesting 0.5.0 released
Logo for PatternTestingToday release 0.5.0 of PatternTesting is released on Sourceforge. There is also a maven repository available under http://patterntesting.sf.net/m2/. There is an upload request on codehaus.org so I hope the patterntesting repository is synced the next days or weeks so that you can find it also on ibiblio.org.

This is my first release since I reanimated patterntesting (see PatternTesting Reloaded). One goal of this release was to become familiarized with the release process for Maven and Sourceforge.net. If you plan to do it for your project here 2 links which helps me: The changes report and other project reports you can find on the PatternTesting home page.

Happy (Pattern)Testing!

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