Sunday, 22. September 2013
GNUPlot & pic2plot on Mac
For PatternTesting I'm experimenting with UMLGraph to generate sequence graphes automatically. The generated output is of pic format (which can be integrated in nroff documents). To convert this format in other formats like Postscript or PNG you need pic2plot from the plotulis.

For Linux it is no problem because GNUPlot and plotutils are part of the most distributions. For Mac I looked for a prepared package but I found none. I found only the sources for GNUPlot and plotutils. From the beginning of my Linux career I rembered the rule of three
  1. ./configure
  2. make
  3. make install
So I tried it in on my Mac - it works! For the last command you need admin rights (sudo make install) but that's all you have to do to install these tools on your Mac.

One problem on my Mac was that the pic2plot command was missing anyway. So I changed to the pic2plot directory of the unpacked plotutils tar and started a 'make install' again.

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